Stasis (spell)

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3-point abjuration
Casting time:  1 bonus action
Range:  30 feet
Components:  V, S
Duration:  1 round

You freeze in place an unattended object of Large size or smaller in range, even freeze in midair, until the end of your next turn. While frozen, no effect can damage or move the object. For every point of damage the object would have taken, it stores 1 foot of momentum if it is Medium or Small. A Large object gains 1 foot of momentum for every 2 points of damage, while a Tiny object gains 2 feet of momentum for every 1 point of damage.
     When the object is unfrozen, any stored momentum is released upon the object at once, potentially causing it to fly away. It flies a distance equal to the number of feet of momentum it stored—rounded down to the nearest 5 feet. The direction the object travels is decided by the last source of damage it would have taken—you can decide the direction if you damaged it, and the DM arbitrates in other cases. If the flying object would pass through the space of a creature, the creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take bludgeoning damage equal to half of what the object stored while frozen.
     If the object is of sufficient size and shape, you or another willing creature can ride the object while it flies without taking damage from the flight or landing.
     On the turn you cast this spell, you can't use your action to cast a spell other than a cantrip.
2nd-level abjuration
Casting time:  1 bonus action
Range:  30 feet
Components:  V, S
Duration:  1 round

You freeze in place an unattended object of Large size or smaller in range, even freeze in midair, until the end of your next turn. While frozen, no effect can damage or move the object. For every point of damage the object would have taken, it stores 1 foot of momentum if it is Medium or Small. A Large object gains 1 foot of momentum for every 2 points of damage, while a Tiny object gains 2 feet of momentum for every 1 point of damage.
     When the object is unfrozen, any stored momentum is released upon the object at once, potentially causing it to fly away. It flies a distance equal to the number of feet of momentum it stored—rounded down to the nearest 5 feet. The direction the object travels is decided by the last source of damage it would have taken—you can decide the direction if you damaged it, and the DM arbitrates in other cases. If the flying object would pass through the space of a creature, the creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take bludgeoning damage equal to half of what the object stored while frozen.
     If the object is of sufficient size and shape, you or another willing creature can ride the object while it flies without taking damage from the flight or landing.
     On the turn you cast this spell, you can't use your action to cast a spell other than a cantrip.

The material on this page is based primarily on content found in Breath of the Wild, which is copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.