Fighter/2nd/Magic Knight

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Magical Proficiencies

At 2nd level, your training with magic grants you additional proficiencies.

You gain proficiency with all rods. You can supply their magic point costs with stamina points instead.

You also gain proficiency with one skill from Arcana, History, Medicine, and Religion.

Stamina Spellcasting

When you reach 3rd level, you have begun to master the study of magic. Your practice requires extensive, practice and memorization. Although you learn and cast spells through the Intelligence of your mind, unlike most spellcasters your spells are powered by your physical stamina. Your magic knight spells are cast with stamina points as if they were magic points.

Magic Limit

3rd 2
5th 3
9th 4
13th 5
16th 6
19th 7
To cast a spell, you must expend a number of stamina points as determined by the spell. You can cast a spell up to but not exceeding your "magic limit." Your magic limit defines the most many stamina points you can expend when you cast a spell. Your magic limit is initially 2. This limit increases by 1 at 5th, 7th, 9th, 13th, 16th, and 19th levels as shown in the magic knight table. If you have levels in multiple spellcasting classes, your magic limit may be different, as described under multiclassing.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your magic knight spells, since the power of your magic relies on study, practice, and memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a magic knight spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Your spell saving throw DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

When you make a spell attack roll, you roll a d20 and add both your proficiency bonus and your Charisma modifier.


You initially know two cantrips (or "unpowered spells") of your choice from the magic knight spell list. You learn a third cantrip from this list at 7th level, and a fourth at 11th level.

Powered Spells Known

At 3rd level, you know two 2-point spells of your choice from the magic knight spell list.

Drawing from this list, you learn a new spell at every odd-numbered list thereafter. You must choose a 3-point spell at 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th levels; a 5-point spell at 13th, 15th level, and 17th levels; and one 7-point spell at 19th level. Your magic is less flexible than dedicated spellcasters, and consequently you cannot opt for a spell of lower or higher points.

Still, whenever you gain the Improvement feature from the fighter class, you can choose to replace one of these spells with another of the same point-value, so long as both spells appear on your magic knight spell list.

Overpowering a Spell

You can cast a powered spell with more stamina points than required to potentially increase its power. This is called "overpowering" the spell. Only some spells can be overpowered, as each spell describes. When overpowering a spell, you still cannot expend stamina points in excess of your Magic Limit.

For example, consider fireball, a 5-point spell. If your Magic Limit is high enough, you can overpower it to increase the damage it deals.

Versatile Casting

You can supply the somatic components of your magic knight spells even when you have a weapon or shield in one or both hands.