Conjure Sol (spell)

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12-point conjuration
Casting time:  1 action
Range:  60 feet
Components:  V, S
Duration:  Concentration, up to 1 hour

You conjure a sol, a powerful magic item that radiates energy and makes life possible even in a region as desolate as the Twilight Realm. A sol appears as an orb about a foot in diameter covered in blue runes, with a soft white-and-blue glow that sheds dim light in a 60-foot radius.
     The sol initially orbits around you or another creature in range you can see. On each of your turns, you can use your bonus action to shift the orb to a new creature you can see within 60 feet of the sol.
     A creature can use its action to remove the sol with a successful Strength saving throw, either knocking it to the ground or carrying it. Any creature which touches the sol against your will takes 2d12 radiant damage on contact. While the sol is held, you cannot use your bonus action to shift it elsewhere.
     All smoke, fog, clouds, and darkness within the light of the sol are dispersed. Any spells which cause these effects, such as eldin smog and darkness, are suppressed in areas where they overlap with the radius of a sol—unless the spell is cast with more points (or a higher level) than you used to cast conjure sol.
     Any creature which starts its turn in the light of a sol is relieved of any curse or disease, and cannot be afflicted with either while it is within the light. The curse of a magic item is suppressed while it is within the light.
     Any creature friendly to you which starts its turn in the light of a sol is alleviated of the charmed, frightened, and jinxed conditions and cannot be afflicted of them while they are in the light.
     Any creature hostile to you which starts its turn in this light takes 2d12 radiant damage.
     When your concentration on this spell ends, you can decide for the sol to either explode with arcane power or fade with arcane mist, but in either case the sol vanishes as part of the effect:
  • Explode. All creatures within a 60-foot radius of the sol must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 8d12 radiant damage and is stunned until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't stunned.
  • Fade. All creatures within a 60-foot radius of the sol gain 20 temporary heart points, are nourished with food and water for the day, and add a d4 bonus die to all ability checks, damage rolls, and saving throws for 1 minute.
8th-level conjuration
Casting time:  1 action
Range:  60 feet
Components:  V, S
Duration:  Concentration, up to 1 hour

You conjure a sol, a powerful magic item that radiates energy and makes life possible even in a region as desolate as the Twilight Realm. A sol appears as an orb about a foot in diameter covered in blue runes, with a soft white-and-blue glow that sheds dim light in a 60-foot radius.
     The sol initially orbits around you or another creature in range you can see. On each of your turns, you can use your bonus action to shift the orb to a new creature you can see within 60 feet of the sol.
     A creature can use its action to remove the sol with a successful Strength saving throw, either knocking it to the ground or carrying it. Any creature which touches the sol against your will takes 2d12 radiant damage on contact. While the sol is held, you cannot use your bonus action to shift it elsewhere.
     All smoke, fog, clouds, and darkness within the light of the sol are dispersed. Any spells which cause these effects, such as eldin smog and darkness, are suppressed in areas where they overlap with the radius of a sol—unless the spell is cast with more points (or a higher level) than you used to cast conjure sol.
     Any creature which starts its turn in the light of a sol is relieved of any curse or disease, and cannot be afflicted with either while it is within the light. The curse of a magic item is suppressed while it is within the light.
     Any creature friendly to you which starts its turn in the light of a sol is alleviated of the charmed, frightened, and jinxed conditions and cannot be afflicted of them while they are in the light.
     Any creature hostile to you which starts its turn in this light takes 2d12 radiant damage.
     When your concentration on this spell ends, you can decide for the sol to either explode with arcane power or fade with arcane mist, but in either case the sol vanishes as part of the effect:
  • Explode. All creatures within a 60-foot radius of the sol must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 8d12 radiant damage and is stunned until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't stunned.
  • Fade. All creatures within a 60-foot radius of the sol gain 20 temporary heart points, are nourished with food and water for the day, and add a d4 bonus die to all ability checks, damage rolls, and saving throws for 1 minute.

The material on this page is based primarily on content found in Twilight Princess, which is copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.