Hunter (feat)

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Whether hunting game or hunting bounties, you are a specialist in the hunt of your chosen foe. As your chosen foe, choose a creature type from beasts, dragons, fiends, monstrosities, or undead. You can elect to instead choose two humanoid races (such as blins and lizal). Your DM may enable other options suited to the campaign. You gain the following benefits:
  • You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track your chosen foe, and any Intelligence checks made to recall lore about them.
  • You add a d4 bonus die to every damage roll you make against your chosen foe.
  • You add a d4 bonus die to any saving throw you are forced to make by your chosen foe.
  • When you are targeted by an attack from your chosen foe, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.

If different features add bonus dice to your roll, they don't combine. Add only the highest.