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by hax

This art is presented without the explicit permission of its creator.

Bard is one of several possible subclasses you can undertake as an opportunist.

Your subclass enacts features at 3rd level and every three levels thereafter: 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th.

Bardic Knowledge

At 3rd level, you become an expert on all Intelligence ability checks made to recall lore.

As an expert, you add a bonus die to relevant ability checks. The size of this die depends on your proficiency bonus: d4 for +2, d6 for +3, d8 for +4, d10 for +5, and d12 for +6.

Bardic Performance

At 3rd level, you become an expert in the Performance skill and in one musical instrument of your choice.

Swift Aid

You're always ready to encourage and aid your allies. Starting from 6th level you can use your cunning action to Help if you don't also use your primary action to Help.

Bardic Songs

At 9th level, your bardic music becomes so enrapturing and powerful that it begins to influence the world like magic.


