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Supernatural Swimming

When you immerse yourself in water, the water itself seems to flow with you. Your speed is not reduced while swimming. If you already have a swim speed or otherwise gain one, you never provoke opportunity attacks when you use that swim speed to move.

Water Path

Each water sage embodies their domain in a different way—each way is merely one path of many to all reach a similar destination. Your chosen path encompasses supernatural talents and aptitudes that feel natural. At 2nd level, you gain one of the following paths of your choice.

You can later change your path or follow an additional one with your Improvement feature.


You can breathe both air and water.

While swimming, you can use your bonus action to Dash.


You become proficient in the Animal Handling and Nature skills. If already proficient in either skill, you instead gain 2 proficiency points per skill.

You are an expert in any Intelligence Nature check made to recall lore about aquatic creatures.


You become proficient in the Survival skill. If already proficient, you can instead gain 2 proficiency points.

You become proficient with water vehicles.

You are an expert in any Intelligence check made in regards to oceanic maps or geography, as well as any check made to navigate at sea.

Sage of Ice

You have resistance to cold damage.

Whenever you cast a sage spell that deals damage, you can choose for the spell to deal cold damage in place of its normal damage type.