Boe (creature)

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Tiny aberration, unaligned
Armor Class 10
Heart Points {{{hp}}}
Speed 20 ft.
6 (-2)
10 (+0)
8 (-1)
2 (-4)
6 (-2)
4 (-3)
Skills Stealth +2
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 8
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2    
Ambusher. The boe has advantage on attack rolls targeting any creature that has yet to have a turn in this combat.

False Appearance. Aside from its faintly glowing eyes, a white boe is indistinguishable from fog or snow, and a black boe is indistinguishable from soot or shadow. Any boe has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide.


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

“It's a Black Boe... Just calm down and attack it! Look, there are just a lot of them, that's all.”

     A boe appears as a small, perfectly round sphere roughly one foot in diameter. Although it seems to be solid at its center, its edges are hazy and semitransparent, similar in this regard to a small but cloud or a puff of smoke. A boe's only other features are a pair of dimly-glowing orange eyes, which it often keeps closed to help itself hide. A boe can be either stark white (White Boe) or pitch black (Black Boe), and is almost always found in a bundle of other boes of the same shade.
     Mysterious but Simple. Boes seem to defy all limitations of normal living creatures, as they spend virtually all their time sleeping or hibernating in dark crevices. A boe may periodically reproduce by splitting into two identical twins, seemingly by magical means. If left unchecked colonies of dozens or even hundreds of boes can all rise up from a single nook or cranny. Although they mostly leave other beings alone, any foreign creature that approaches a boe colony is attacked—even though the best attack a boe can manage is a feeble hopping tackle.
     Boe Nature. A boe doesn't require food or water. It is unknown what sustains them, but they are known to mysteriously perish if left outside of crevices or snow for several hours.
     Environment: Arctic, Caves, Hills, Ruins, Urban, Volcanic

Related pages

  • Bit, another simple-but-aggressive small spherical creature
  • Babusu, a more formidable shadow-creature that travels through dark nooks and crannies

The material on this page is based primarily on content found in Majora's Mask, which is copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.