Heavy Shield (item)

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EquipmentArmorHeavy Shield

This massive shield resembles a portable wall. Its sheer size and weight make it abnormally difficult to use. Wielding it increases your AC by 3, but this benefit does not combine with the benefit of any other shield.
     Proficiency. To wield a heavy shield proficiently, you must have proficiency with shields, proficiency with heavy armor, and Strength 15 or higher. If you wield this shield without proficiency, you have disadvantage on any ability check, saving throw, or attack roll that involves Strength or Dexterity, and you can't cast spells.
     Shield Wall. If you wield a heavy shield proficiently, you can use your action to plant it on the ground where it can provide total cover for one Medium creature or two Small creatures.

Armor Class. +3
Cost. 350 rupees
Weight. 35 lb.