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! style="text-align: left;" | Name  
! style="text-align: left;" | Name  
! style="text-align: left;" | MP   
! style="text-align: left;" | MP   
! style="text-align: left;" | Level
! style="text-align: left;" | School   
! style="text-align: left;" | School   
! style="text-align: left;" | Summary  
! style="text-align: left;" | Summary  
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|format=,¦- \n ¦  [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(spell)¦}²]],\n,

Revision as of 06:53, 26 April 2020

Name MP Level School Summary
%PAGE% 0 abjuration A creature within 60 feet of you that you can see gains resistance to all damage other than bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing until the start of your next turn.
%PAGE% 3 2nd abjuration Your spell bolsters your allies with toughness and resolve, boosting maximum heart points.
%PAGE% 2 1st enchantment Charm an animal for up to 24 hours.
%PAGE% 3 2nd enchantment Instruct a Tiny beast to deliver a message, traveling potentially hundreds of miles to do so.
%PAGE% 11 8th transmutation You transform any number of willing creatures within 30 feet into beasts (CR 4 or lower) for up to 24 hours.
%PAGE% 11 8th abjuration A 10-foot radius sphere around you suspends or dispels all magic effects within it.
%PAGE% 7 5th evocation You project a ray of divine power to bane a creature up to 60 feet away.
%PAGE% 2 1st abjuration Your bonus action grants a creature a +2 bonus to AC for up to 10 minutes.
%PAGE% 5 3rd transmutation Transform into a beast of your choice for 1 hour.
%PAGE% 5 3rd evocation A vortex of flames swirls forth from mouth or hands, igniting creatures in a 20-foot cone originating from you.
%PAGE% 3 2nd enchantment You attempt to suppress strong emotions of a group of creatures.
%PAGE% 0 evocation Create a five-foot sphere of flame which lingers for a minute, damaging creatures it touches.
%PAGE% 3 2nd abjuration A 10-minute ceremony lays a protective blessing upon a creature with varying benefits depending on recent events.
%PAGE% 5 3rd divination You create a sensor up to 1 mile away that sees or hears on your behalf, lasting for up to 10 minutes.
%PAGE% 5 3rd abjuration You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell.
%PAGE% 2 1st enchantment For 1 minute a creature regains temporary heart points at the each of its turns, and can't be frightened.
%PAGE% 3 2nd evocation Create magical darkness out to a radius of 15 feet for 10 minutes or longer.
%PAGE% 6 4th evocation Your next melee attack blasts away the target with an explosion of magma.
%PAGE% 6 4th abjuration A creature you touch repels up to three attacks that would otherwise hit it.
%PAGE% 11 8th conjuration You summon a huge, explosive rock and hurl in a straight line.
%PAGE% 1 1st necromancy You inflict wounds upon a creature you touch.
%PAGE% 6 4th abjuration
%PAGE% 2 1st divination Sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you.
%PAGE% 2 1st divination Sense the presence and location of poisons, poisonous creatures, and diseases within 30 feet of you.
%PAGE% 7 5th evocation A sphere of flame arises around you that rapidly expands outward, engulfing your enemies.
%PAGE% 7 5th enchantment Nearby friendly creatures have advantage on Str checks and saves, and can add a d6 to damage rolls.
%PAGE% 2 1st illusion Cause yourself to appear different for the duration.
%PAGE% 5 3rd abjuration You attempt to end a spell effect in range.
%PAGE% 0 transmutation Whispering to the spirits of nature, you create one of several minor effects.
%PAGE% 0 transmutation You transmute the hands of yourself or a willing creature you touch into stone and flame.
%PAGE% 9 6th conjuration Conjure a cloud of fiery smoke that deals damage and blinds creatures.
%PAGE% 0 evocation A grounded creature within 20 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 fire damage and be ignited for 1 minute.
%PAGE% 9 6th abjuration Provide resistance to cold damage in an aura around you for 8 hours.
%PAGE% 6 4th conjuration You create a glass-like bridge up to 100 feet long and 20 feet wide over a chasm, river, or other obstacle.
%PAGE% 2 1st enchantment For the duration, you and any friendly creatures within 30 feet of you have advantage on every saving throw against being charmed or frightened.
%PAGE% 2 1st transmutation Your reaction safely slows the descent for up to five creatures within 60 feet of you.
%PAGE% 6 4th evocation For 10 minutes, a shield of hot or cold flames surround you, providing light and damaging those who hit you.
%PAGE% 10 7th evocation A storm made up of sheets of roaring flame appears in a location you choose within range.
%PAGE% 2 1st evocation Your touch engulfs a creature in a burst of flames and knocks it prone.
%PAGE% 7 5th evocation A vertical column of divine flame deals fire and radiant damage. A successful Dex save halves damage.
%PAGE% 2 1st evocation A cyclone of fire travels from you in a 30-foot line, dealing fire damage and igniting creatures.
%PAGE% 3 2nd conjuration You conjure a flaming sphere for up to 1 minute, which rolls through and damages creatures.
%PAGE% 5 3rd transmutation A willing creature you touch gains a flying speed of 60 feet for the duration.
%PAGE% 13 9th divination A creature you touch can see into the immediate future. For 8 hours, the target has advantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws, etc.
%PAGE% 7 5th conjuration You imbue a creature you touch with positive energy to undo one debilitating effect.
%PAGE% 8 6th evocation A creature within 60 feet of you regains 10d12 heart points.
%PAGE% 2 1st evocation Your bonus action restores a few heart points to a creature within 60 feet of you.
%PAGE% 3 2nd transmutation A manufactured metal object in range intensely heats, damaging any creature on contact with it.
%PAGE% 11 8th abjuration Nearby creatures of your choice gain advantage on all saving throws, while all attack rolls against them have disadvantage.
%PAGE% 4 2nd evocation Your movements are wreathed in flames until the start of your next turn, boosting your speed and dealing damage to creatures you move through.
%PAGE% 1 1st evocation Use your bonus action to ignite a creature you've already hit with a melee attack this turn.
%PAGE% 3 2nd evocation Create daylight out to a wide radius for 10 minutes or longer.
%PAGE% 13 9th abjuration You create a magical restraint to hold a creature that you can see within range, permanently.
%PAGE% 8 5th evocation Your bonus action enhances a weapons with fiery magic.
%PAGE% 1 1st transmutation A creature's jump distance is tripled until the spell ends.
%PAGE% 3 2nd abjuration You touch a creature and can end either one disease or one lesser condition afflicting it.
%PAGE% 2 1st conjuration You heal the wounds of a creature you touch.
%PAGE% 0 evocation You touch one object, causing it to shed bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet
%PAGE% 6 4th divination Sense the direction of a familiar creature you specify if it is within 1,000 feet of you.
%PAGE% 2 1st transmutation A creature you touch has its speed increases by 10 feet for 1 hour.
%PAGE% 2 1st enchantment Up to 4d12 heart points' worth of creatures within 30 feet of you fall unconscious for 1 minute.
%PAGE% 5 3rd abjuration You create a 10-foot radius cylinder that prevents certain creature types from entering.
%PAGE% 3 2nd illusion You implant a message within an object in range, a message that is uttered when a trigger condition is met.
%PAGE% 0 enchantment Your melody damages adjacent creatures, and potentially charms them.
%PAGE% 13 9th evocation Restore up to 700 heart points, divided as you choose among all creatures within 60 feet of you.
%PAGE% 0 transmutation This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch.
%PAGE% 0 transmutation You whisper a message that can be heard only by one creature you designate within 120 feet, who can respond similarly.
%PAGE% 12 8th abjuration One creature you touch becomes immune to divination spells, the charmed condition, psychic damage, and any effect that senses its thoughts.
%PAGE% 12 8th abjuration A creature you touch becomes immune to damage other than psychic for up to 1 minute.
%PAGE% 5 3rd abjuration For 8 hours, you hide a target that you touch from divination magic.
%PAGE% 3 2nd enchantment You attempt to paralyze a creature you can see within range.
%PAGE% 2 1st divination For at least 1 minute, you see invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible.
%PAGE% 0 conjuration You hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range.
%PAGE% 5 3rd abjuration A creature you touch gains resistance to one damage type you specify for up to 1 hour.
%PAGE% 3 2nd abjuration A creature you touch is no longer poisoned, and is bolstered against poison for 1 hour.
%PAGE% 1 1st transmutation Remove poison and disease from food and drink within a 5-foot-radius sphere.
%PAGE% 3 2nd abjuration You enhance a shield's defenses, and grant its wielder the ability to reflect ranged spell attacks.
%PAGE% 5 3rd abjuration At your touch, all curses affecting one creature or object end.
%PAGE% 5 3rd necromancy You touch a creature that has died within the last minute, restoring it to 1 heart point.
%PAGE% 1 1st evocation Your next melee attack surges with elemental power.
%PAGE% 2 1st abjuration You touch a creature to surround it with a transparent barrier of protective energy, potentially improving its AC.
%PAGE% 0 conjuration Conjure a translucent, floating hand that can manipulate objects at range.
%PAGE% 2 1st abjuration You ward a creature within range against attack, which remains protected so long as it doesn't harm other creatures.
%PAGE% 7 5th divination You can see and hear a particular creature you choose that is on the same plane of existence as you.
%PAGE% 4 3rd evocation You send a short message to any creature with which you are familiar over any possible distance.
%PAGE% 6 4th conjuration You conjure a stationary statue that lasts for 8 hours. It can shoot fiery projectiles.
%PAGE% 10 7th abjuration A willing creature or object you touch becomes hidden and enters suspended animation for any period of time.
%PAGE% 13 9th transmutation You change into almost any creature for up to 1 hour.
%PAGE% 3 2nd conjuration You create a 5-foot block of stone in range, then cause it to erupt in a fiery explosion within the next minute.
%PAGE% 2 1st divination You gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts for the duration.
%PAGE% 0 conjuration You summon a musical instrument into your hands out of thin air.
%PAGE% 7 5th divination For 1 hour, up to 8 creatures of your choice can communicate telepathically with each other.
%PAGE% 0 transmutation You manifest a minor wonder, a sign of supernatural power, within range.
%PAGE% 13 9th transmutation Briefly stop time for everyone but yourself.
%PAGE% 5 3rd abjuration
%PAGE% 13 9th necromancy Taking an hour and 250,000 rp worth of diamonds, you bring back to life any creature that has died within the past 200 years.
%PAGE% 9 6th divination A creature you touch gains truesight out to a range of 120 feet for 1 hour.
%PAGE% 6 4th evocation Flames extend in a wall up to 60 feet long and 20 feet wide. One side of the wall incinerates creatures within 10 feet of it.
%PAGE% 2 1st transmutation Perform a magically-enhanced flying kick through your enemies.


{{Subclass Spell List|Fire sage}}
{{Subclass Spell List|Technomancer|Witch|Wizzrobe}}
{{Subclass Spell List|Poe scion}}
{{Subclass Spell List|Spellsword}}
{{Subclass Spell List|Earth sage|Fire sage|Forest sage|Light sage|Shadow sage|Spirit sage|Water sage|Wind sage}}