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==Lineage details==
==Lineage details==
{{RT|Alignment}} Hylians vary wildly in alignment, but as a whole have a slight tendency towards lawful good.<br/>
{{RT|Type}} Your creature type is humanoid (hylian).<br/>
{{RT|Age}} Hylians reach adulthood in their late teens and have a life expectancy of just under a century.  A rare few, especially those of the Sheikah subrace, have lived to see 120 years or more.<br/>
{{RT|Size}} Adult hylians are usually between 5 and 6 feet. Your size is [[Medium]].<br/>
{{RT|Size}} Adult hylians are usually between 5 and 6 feet. Your size is [[Medium]].<br/>
{{RT|Diet}} As a [[Medium]] [[humanoid]], each day you require at least 1 pound of [[food]] and 1 gallon of [[water]] to avoid [[exhaustion]].<br/>
{{RT|Alignment}} Hylians vary wildly in alignment, even more than most, but as a whole have a slight leaning towards neutral good.<br/>
{{RT|Age}} Hylians reach adulthood in their late teens and have a life expectancy of just under a century. A rare few, especially those of the Sheikah heritage, have lived to see 120 years or more.<br/>
{{RT|Diet}} As a [[Medium]] [[humanoid]], each day you prefer to consume at least 1 pound of [[food]] and 1 gallon of [[water]] to avoid [[exhaustion]]. Hylians enjoy a varied diet of grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and meats.<br/>
{{RT|Names}} Hylian names encompass many styles and originate from diverse cultures, but a name is most likely comprised of two syllables.  Surnames are rarely used except for nobles.  Male examples include Beedle, Dampé, Daphnes, Error, Gaepora, Groose, Gulley, Gustaf, Ingo, Jovani, Kafei, Link, Mutoh, Sakon, and Talon.  Female examples include Agitha, Amei, Anju, Aryll, Cremia, Karane, Linkle, Irene, Marcy, Mallara, Malon, Peatrice, Romani, Telma, Tetra, and Zelda.
{{RT|Names}} Hylian names encompass many styles and originate from diverse cultures, but a name is most likely comprised of two syllables.  Surnames are rarely used except for nobles.  Male examples include Beedle, Dampé, Daphnes, Error, Gaepora, Groose, Gulley, Gustaf, Ingo, Jovani, Kafei, Link, Mutoh, Sakon, and Talon.  Female examples include Agitha, Amei, Anju, Aryll, Cremia, Karane, Linkle, Irene, Marcy, Mallara, Malon, Peatrice, Romani, Telma, Tetra, and Zelda.
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==Character traits==
==Character traits==
Widespread and influential, the Hylia-blessed race is comprised of social creatures relatively advanced in the ways of magic and technology.
As a hylian, you have the following traits:<br/>
{{RT}} Increase any one ability score of your choice by 1.<br/>
{{RT|Speed}} Your base walking [[speed]] is 30 feet.<br/>
{{RT|Keen Senses}} The sharp eyes and long ears of hylians are so astute, some say can even hear the gods. You have proficiency in the [[Perception]] skill.<br/>
{{RT|Hylia's Chosen}} The goddess [[Hylia]] has guided hylians since time immemorial, and her divine protection still lingers in all modern hylians. When you make a [[saving throw]] with which you lack proficiency, add a +1 bonus to the roll if no other bonus applies.<br/>
{{RT|Language}} You can read, write, and speak [[Hylian (language)|Hylian]].<br/>
{{RT|Language}} You can read, write, and speak [[Hylian (language)|Hylian]].<br/>
{{RT|Vocation}} You have proficiency with one [[artisan's tool]], [[musical instrument]], or [[vehicle]].  Alternatively you can speak, read, and read one additional [[language]] of your choice.<br/>
{{RT|Heritage}} Hylians hail from all across the world, adapting to many biomes and cultures. You have one heritage of your choice from divine, outlander, sheikah, terminan, and urbanite.
{{RT|Hylia's Chosen}} The goddess [[Hylia]] has guided hylians since time immemorial, and her protection still subtly lingers in all modern hylians.  When you make a [[saving throw]] in which you lack proficiency, add a +1 bonus to the roll.<br/>
{{RT|Subrace}} As they come from many varied backgrounds, hylians have many subraces.  Choose one from common, divine, lorulean, outlander, sheikah, skyloftian, wind tribe, and yiga clan.
{{RT}} Your {{con}}, {{wis}}, and {{cha}} scores all increase by 1.<br/>
{{RT}} Increase your {{dex}} and {{wis}} scores by 1 each.<br/>
{{RT|Hylia's Sword|Cantrip}} You know one cantrip of your choice from any [[sage]] [[spells|spell list]]. {{wis}} is your casting ability for it.<br/>
{{RT|Hylia's Sword|Cantrip}} You know one cantrip of your choice from the [[Sage of Light]] spell list. {{wis}} is your casting ability for it.<br/>
{{RT|Hylia's Shield}} Whenever you roll a 1 on a [[saving throw]], you can re-roll the die and use the new result.<!--
{{RT|Hylia's Shield}} You have [[advantage]] on any {{int}}, {{wis}}, or {{cha}} [[saving throw|throw]] imposed on you by a spell.<br/>
{{RT|Courage}} You have [[advantage]] on [[saving throw]]s against being [[charmed]] and [[frightened]].<br/>-->
{{RT|Ancestral Memories|Skill Proficiency}} You have proficiency in the [[Religion]] skill.
The ancestry of a divine hylian has particularly strong connection to the goddess [[Hylia]] herself, whether they realize it or not. Consequently, these hylians often have features characteristic of [[Hylia]]'s [[Princess Zelda|mortal incarnation]] such as particularly fair hair and skin, ears with prominent points, and remarkable kindness.  These hylians are most abundant near Hyrule Castle.
Those of divine ancestry have a particularly strong connection to the goddess Hylia herself, and the Hyrule Royal Family, whether they realize it or not. Divine hylians often wield minor magical ability, and resist foul magic better than most. These hylians tend to have particularly pointed ears, though there's otherwise little to visually distinguish them from other hylians. Princess Zelda is a divine hylian, as are most of the royal family.
{{RT}} Your {{str}}, {{con}}, and {{wis}} scores each increase by 1.<br/>
{{RT}} Increase your {{str}} and {{con}} scores by 1 each.<br/>
{{RT|Tenacity}}  When you are reduced to 0 [[heart points]] but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 heart point instead. You can't use this trait again until you finish a [[long rest]].<br/>
{{RT|Improvised Skills}} When you make an ability check that would use a [[skill]] in which you lack proficiency, add a +1 bonus to the roll if no other bonus applies.<br/>
{{RT|Improvised Skills}} When you make an ability check that would use a [[skill]] in which you lack proficiency, add a +1 bonus to the roll if no other bonus applies to the roll.
{{RT|Survivor|Skill Proficiency}} You have proficiency in the [[Survival]] skill.<br/>
{{RT|Stamina}} Add your [[Proficiency Bonus|PB]] to all [[Constitution]] [[Ability Check|check]]s you make.
{{RT|Outland Language|Extra Language}} You can read, write, and speak one extra [[language]] of your choice.<!--
{{RT|Tenacity}}  When you are reduced to 0 [[heart points]] but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 heart point instead. You can't use this trait again until you finish a [[long rest]].<br/>-->
These hylians live far from what most other hylians consider civilization, including remote farms or even dimly lit caves. Compared to other hylians, outlanders are particularly prone to hair colored black, brown, or red.
These folk live far from what most other hylians consider civilization, including farms in the outfields, or even dimly lit caves. These hard-workers are adapted to independent and often difficult life outside the protection of city walls. Outlander hylians are more likely than most to have hair shades of red or brown. Malon, Talon, and several incarnations of Link are outlander hylians.
{{RT}} Your {{dex}}, {{int}}, and {{wis}} scores each increase by 1.<br/>
{{RT}} Increase your {{dex}} and {{int}} scores by 1 each.<br/>
{{RT|Divinely Guided}} When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can re-roll the die and must use the new roll. You must complete a [[long rest]] before you can use this trait again.<br/>
{{RT|Fleet of Foot|Fast}} Increase your walk speed by 5 feet.<br/>
{{RT|Fleet of Foot}} Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
{{RT|Sheikah Magic}} You know one cantrip of your choice from {{Spell|cryonis}}, {{Spell|magnesis}}, {{Spell|message}}, and {{Spell|Minor Illusion}}. {{int}} is your casting ability for it.<br/>
{{RT|Seeker of Truth|Skill Proficiency}} Thanks to a sharp mind and the secrets of your ancestors, you have proficiency in any one [[skill]] of your choice.<br/>
{{RT|Secret Arts}} You are proficient in either the [[Ancient (language)|Ancient]] language, or any one [[musical instrument]] of your choice.
Sheikah are an ancient race that was once considered separate from hylians&mdash;a tribe whose existence has been forgotten by many, perhaps including you. You are one of the few sheikah whose genes have not yet been completely diluted among hylians. Your silver hair and stark red irises signify this. Sheikah heritage is most abundant near [[Kakariko Village]].  
Sheikah are a mysterious sect of hylians, who usually have white hair and often have red eyes. Until recently sheikah have lived in secret villages not known to other folks, even other hylians, and as such much of what is commonly known about them is shrouded in rumors and tall tales. Many say sheikah move at impossible speed, or can see truths others cannot. Historically they were even known as "shadow folk," whose existence was often thought to be mythical.  
In truth sheikah are tightly-knit folks who dutifully pass down ancient secrets of magic and cunning from one generation to the next. Some of the oldest secrets in Hyrule are held only in the whispers of sheikah—including even legendary machines, or the words of gods. In part to keep these secrets, and in part for safety, until recently sheikah deliberately kept their existence hidden from outsiders.
{{RT}} Your {{dex}}, {{con}}, and {{wis}} scores each increase by 1.<br/>
{{RT|Darkvision}}  Accustomed to a realm of darkness, you can see in the absence of light better than most. You can see in [[dim light]] within 60 feet of you as if it were [[bright light]], and in [[darkness]] as if it were [[dim light]]. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.<br/>
{{RT|Survivor}} The population of your people has been dwindling since the decline of your kingdom, but you have learned to persevere better than most.  You have proficiency in the [[Survival]] skill.
Loruleans hail from the dark, parallel realm known as the [[Dark World]], where the [[Lorule|Lorulean]] Kingdom is in decline. This dark and unforgiving world forces Lorulean hylians to be more resourceful than their Hyrulean counterparts. There are few ways for an individual to travel between Hyrule and Lorule, and most often it is a one-way trip resulting from an unintended magic effect.
Impa, Paya, Pura, and Robbie are sheikah. Zelda once disguised herself as Sheik, a sheikah warrior.
{{RT}} Increase your {{dex}} and {{cha}} scores by 1 each.<br/>
{{RT|Reliable}} If you would roll a 9 or lower for any ability check, you can treat the result as 10. You can't do so again until you finish a [[long rest]]. (Ability checks don't include attack rolls or [[saving throw|save]]s.)<br/>
{{RT|Studied Skills}} Terminans have a rich culture of music and story-telling, and many enroll in formal education. You have proficiency in either the [[Performance]] skill, or any {{int}}-based skill of your choice.<br/>
{{RT|Internal Clock}} Attuned to the steady rhythm of your hometown’s clock, you are always aware what time it is within 5 minutes of accuracy.
Hailing from the far-off land of Termina, these folk are renowned for wielding relatively advanced technology. Their Clock Town is famously centered around a gigantic, transforming clock which itself is a feat of exceptional engineering.
{{RT}} Your {{dex}}, {{wis}}, and {{cha}} scores all increase by 1.<br/>
{{RT|Animal Kinship}}  Universally, skyloftians rely on the aid of animals for life and for travel.  You have proficiency in the [[Animal Handling]] skill.<br/>
{{RT|Loftwing}} You enjoy the faithful service of a {{C|Loftwing}}, whom you cannot sell.  You can ride your loftwing for travel and for [[mounted combat]], but it will not accept another rider. If your loftwing is within hearing distance, it will come at your call.  During [[combat]], if you are not riding your loftwing it is controlled by your DM and will make every reasonable effort to escape the combat by itself, and will never willingly attack any creature.  Your loftwing will not fly during nighttime, nor in [[dim light]] or [[darkness]], and if forced to do so it will land at the earliest opportunity.  Your loftwing can carry one more Medium object or creature weighting no more than 300 pounds, but while carrying an additional creature its movement is halved and attacks which target it have [[advantage]].  If your loftwing [[falling|falls]] while you ride it, you fall too.
{{RT|Language}}  You can read, write, and speak one [[language]] of your choice from {{L|Ancient}} and {{L|Zoran}}. -->
Since time immemorial, your people have lived on floating islands in the sky called [[Skyloft]]. Your kin relies on the giant birds, {{C|Loftwing}}s, for transport between islands. Even with their help, it is difficult for you to reach the surface&mdash;such a place may seem like a foreign, exotic land to you.{{a}}Your people share the same land once used by [[Hylia]] Herself to protect hylians from [[Demise]].  It is said by some that skyloftians are close to [[Hylia]].
Terminans infrequently call themselves hylian, as most don't uphold Hylia or any deities in particular reverence. Their stories, faiths, and cultures are unique unto themselves. Kafei, Anju, and the Happy Mask Salesman are Terminans.
===Wind Tribe===
{{SpellSlotAlternative|consider using the following trait in place of Magic Adept and Wind Magic.{{a}}'''''Wind Spells.''''' You know the {{Spell|Touch Wind}} cantrip. You can cast {{Spell|Feather Fall}} as a 1st-level spell; you must finish a [[short rest|short]] or [[long rest]] to cast the spell again using this trait.}}
{{RT}} Choose two different ability scores, and increase them both by 1 each.<br/>
{{RT}} Your {{int}}, {{wis}}, and {{cha}} scores each increase by 1.<br/>
{{RT|Skilled}} You are proficient in any two [[skill]]s of your choice. If you prefer, you can replace either of these with proficiency in any [[tool]] or any [[language]].<br/>
{{RT|Magic Adept}} Members of the wind tribe are abnormally talented with spellcasting.  Your [[magic point]] maximum increases by 2.<br/>
{{RT|Hard Work}} You have [[advantage]] on any [[ability check]] you make for a [[downtime activity]].<br/>
{{RT|Wind Magic}} You know the {{Spell|Touch Wind}} cantrip.  You know the {{Spell|Feather Fall}} spell, and can cast it as normal using [[magic points]].<br/><!--
{{RT|Urban Tact}} While in an urban environment, you can [[reroll]] an [[ability check]] you fail if the check uses {{int}}, {{wis}}, or {{cha}}. You can’t do so again until you finish a [[long rest]].
{{RT|Canny Wisdom}} You have proficiency in the [[Insight]] skill.-->
This tribe is separated from most hylians generations ago. These scarlet-haired people primarily live in a magically enchanted region of the sky, known as [[Cloud Tops]]. Unlike most hylians, their hair is always of a pinkish-red hue, and they have inherent mastery over some wind-based magic.{{a}}Though they are amicable to skyloftians, these two sky-dwelling tribes live far away from each other and seem to have few relations.
The most emblematic of hylians, urbanites typically hail from larger capitals like Hyrule Castle Town or Lynna City. They are renowned for their close connection to the gods, especially Hylia, as well as their strong economy and relatively industrious technology. Urban hylians tend to value community and their connections to others. There are more hylians of this heritage than any other.
===Yiga Clan===
{{SpellSlotAlternative|consider using the following trait in place of Yiga Magic.{{a}}'''''Yiga Spell.''''' You can cast {{Spell|Warping Step}} as a 1st-level spell; you must finish a [[short rest|short]] or [[long rest]] to cast the spell again using this trait.}}
{{RT}} Your {{str}}, {{dex}}, and {{cha}} scores each increase by 1.<br/>
{{RT|Yiga Training}} You have proficiency in a [[disguise kit]], a [[forgery kit]], or a [[poisoner's kit]].<br/>
{{RT|Yiga Magic}}  Your [[magic point]] maximum increases by 2.  You know the {{Spell|Warping Step}} spell, and can cast it as normal using [[magic points]].<br/><!--
{{RT|Ambush}} The first time you hit a [[surprised]] creature with an attack on your turn, your attack deals an extra 1d6 damage.-->
This sect of hylians are a secret society that works against the endeavors of the [[Hyrule Royal Family]] and therefore most other hylians, but especially against sheikah.  Yiga symbols and culture are often inverted versions of traditional sheikah counterparts, intended to be both an insult and a mission statement.{{a}}Most yiga are trained from birth in the arts of disguise, subterfuge, and assassination for the sole purpose of taking down the royal family and those who support it.  It's even common for them to practice magic.  Despite their small numbers in the [[modern era]], the yiga are one of the largest threats to the Kingdom of Hyrule.  The spiteful culture among yiga seems to draw them towards [[alignment|evil]].

Revision as of 04:26, 27 March 2024

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Using Ability Scores
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This page or section is incomplete, and will eventually be expanded with more information.

Hylians (“HY-lee-ən”) are the most widespread of people in Hyrule, renowned for their many cities and a broad cultural influence. In many ways hylians parallel real-world humans, but distinct, as real-world humans do not exist in most legends of Hyrule.

Hylians tend to be very sympathetic towards creatures outside their own people, sometimes even when the sentiment is not mutual. Perhaps this is why even folks as disparate gorons and zora often have close ties with hylians.

Though hylians are closely tied with Hyrule, a kingdom ruled over by a Royal Family of hylians, they are not unique to this land. Hylians can be found across the sea in seemingly any land hospitable enough to sustain their way of life.

Varied Appearances

Hylians come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, statures, and colors. Their appearances more diverse than almost any other lineage. Skin tones all have a tinge of tan, but range from so dark as to to be nearly jet-black to so pale as to be snow-white, with the majority landing somewhere in the middle as a sandy hue.

Hair color is typically black, brown, or blonde but can include red, white, red, blue, and on occasion even more esoteric colors. Eyes are most often brown, sometimes blue, and can often by rarer colors.

Those of strong sheikah ancestry typically have red eyes and white hair their entire lives, while other hylians' hair only becomes white with advanced age. Those of Lorulean heritage are more likely to have hair and eyes of a navy blue or dark purple color.

Most modern hylians have pointed ears, though some have rounded ears.

Hylia's Chosen

Hylians get their name from the goddess Hylia, who has been considered the patron deity of these people since time immemorial. According to legend she played a hand in vanquishing Demise, a demon so tainted with evil that his name itself has become foreboding. She paved the way for hylians to settle the land. According to other tales Hylia incarnated as the first princess of Hyrule, Princess Zelda, and every firstborn princess since then has carried this bloodline and this name.

The magical powers and supernatural perception wielded by some hylians is said to be a direct result of ancestry to this goddess, or at least the worship of her. Many hylians still uphold this deity, and some claim to even hear her words, but reverence of her is not universal. In lands where Hylia isn't revered as widely, such as Termina and Holodrum, the term "hylian" is less frequently used in favor of more regional names such as Terminan and Holodrumite.

Princess Zelda and the Hyrule Royal Family are the longest-lasting and most influential kingdom in the known world. They honor the legacy of Hylia in their regalia.

Capital Cities

Compared to most people, hylians as a whole are rather structured and hard-working. Their economies are very robust, their military forces are often well-trained, and their libraries of knowledge tend to be relatively deep and broad&mdashlat least compared to most other people in this world.

Castle Town, home to the royal family and many hylians, has sat in the heart of Hyrule since ancient times. It is the largest city in its continent, home to a bustling center of trade and study. The castle and surrounding town have survived countless raids by armies and monsters thanks to its organized military forces and stone walls. Even so, it has been rebuilt many times.

Castle Town is mirrored by many other cities across lands and worlds: Clock Town in Termina, Lynna City in Labrynna, or even Thieves' Town in Lorule. It seems wherever hylians settle they tend to create a particularly robust city or two.

Agriculture & Prosperity

Hylians' wide population doesn't come from nothing. Their prosperous ranches like Lon Lon, and farming villages like Hateno, provide a seemingly endless surplus of food and resources across robust trade networks that sprawl across the lands they call home. It's little surprise that travelers, merchants, and adventurers are most often hylians.

The culinary traditions of hylian are, likewise, legendary. Well-prepared hylian food is even said to heal wounds instantly, or have other magical benefits. This culture has come to influence even gorons. Gorons don't even eat the same foods as hylians, but nonetheless often reshape the rocks they eat to resemble hylian meats or other dishes.

For all this and more hylians seem to have a wellspring of goods to flood the markets of the world. Some say hylians are even the progenitor of the world's most widespread currency, the rupee.

Lineage details

Type. Your creature type is humanoid (hylian).
Size. Adult hylians are usually between 5 and 6 feet. Your size is Medium.
Alignment. Hylians vary wildly in alignment, even more than most, but as a whole have a slight leaning towards neutral good.
Age. Hylians reach adulthood in their late teens and have a life expectancy of just under a century. A rare few, especially those of the Sheikah heritage, have lived to see 120 years or more.
Diet. As a Medium humanoid, each day you prefer to consume at least 1 pound of food and 1 gallon of water to avoid exhaustion. Hylians enjoy a varied diet of grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and meats.
Names. Hylian names encompass many styles and originate from diverse cultures, but a name is most likely comprised of two syllables. Surnames are rarely used except for nobles. Male examples include Beedle, Dampé, Daphnes, Error, Gaepora, Groose, Gulley, Gustaf, Ingo, Jovani, Kafei, Link, Mutoh, Sakon, and Talon. Female examples include Agitha, Amei, Anju, Aryll, Cremia, Karane, Linkle, Irene, Marcy, Mallara, Malon, Peatrice, Romani, Telma, Tetra, and Zelda.

Random Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
4′ 8" +2d10 100 lb. × (2d4)

Character traits

As a hylian, you have the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Increase any one ability score of your choice by 1.
Keen Senses. The sharp eyes and long ears of hylians are so astute, some say can even hear the gods. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Hylia's Chosen. The goddess Hylia has guided hylians since time immemorial, and her divine protection still lingers in all modern hylians. When you make a saving throw with which you lack proficiency, add a +1 bonus to the roll if no other bonus applies.
Language. You can read, write, and speak Hylian.
Heritage. Hylians hail from all across the world, adapting to many biomes and cultures. You have one heritage of your choice from divine, outlander, sheikah, terminan, and urbanite.


Ability Score Increase. Increase your Dexterity and Wisdom scores by 1 each.
Hylia's Sword. You know one cantrip of your choice from the Sage of Light spell list. Wisdom is your casting ability for it.
Hylia's Shield. You have advantage on any Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma throw imposed on you by a spell.
Ancestral Memories. You have proficiency in the Religion skill.

Those of divine ancestry have a particularly strong connection to the goddess Hylia herself, and the Hyrule Royal Family, whether they realize it or not. Divine hylians often wield minor magical ability, and resist foul magic better than most. These hylians tend to have particularly pointed ears, though there's otherwise little to visually distinguish them from other hylians. Princess Zelda is a divine hylian, as are most of the royal family.


Ability Score Increase. Increase your Strength and Constitution scores by 1 each.
Improvised Skills. When you make an ability check that would use a skill in which you lack proficiency, add a +1 bonus to the roll if no other bonus applies.
Survivor. You have proficiency in the Survival skill.
Stamina. Add your PB to all Constitution checks you make.  Outland Language. You can read, write, and speak one extra language of your choice.

These folk live far from what most other hylians consider civilization, including farms in the outfields, or even dimly lit caves. These hard-workers are adapted to independent and often difficult life outside the protection of city walls. Outlander hylians are more likely than most to have hair shades of red or brown. Malon, Talon, and several incarnations of Link are outlander hylians.


Ability Score Increase. Increase your Dexterity and Intelligence scores by 1 each.
Fleet of Foot. Increase your walk speed by 5 feet.
Sheikah Magic. You know one cantrip of your choice from cryonis, magnesis, message, and minor illusion. Intelligence is your casting ability for it.
Seeker of Truth. Thanks to a sharp mind and the secrets of your ancestors, you have proficiency in any one skill of your choice.
Secret Arts. You are proficient in either the Ancient language, or any one musical instrument of your choice.

Sheikah are a mysterious sect of hylians, who usually have white hair and often have red eyes. Until recently sheikah have lived in secret villages not known to other folks, even other hylians, and as such much of what is commonly known about them is shrouded in rumors and tall tales. Many say sheikah move at impossible speed, or can see truths others cannot. Historically they were even known as "shadow folk," whose existence was often thought to be mythical.

In truth sheikah are tightly-knit folks who dutifully pass down ancient secrets of magic and cunning from one generation to the next. Some of the oldest secrets in Hyrule are held only in the whispers of sheikah—including even legendary machines, or the words of gods. In part to keep these secrets, and in part for safety, until recently sheikah deliberately kept their existence hidden from outsiders.

Impa, Paya, Pura, and Robbie are sheikah. Zelda once disguised herself as Sheik, a sheikah warrior.


Ability Score Increase. Increase your Dexterity and Charisma scores by 1 each.
Reliable. If you would roll a 9 or lower for any ability check, you can treat the result as 10. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest. (Ability checks don't include attack rolls or saves.)
Studied Skills. Terminans have a rich culture of music and story-telling, and many enroll in formal education. You have proficiency in either the Performance skill, or any Intelligence-based skill of your choice.
Internal Clock. Attuned to the steady rhythm of your hometown’s clock, you are always aware what time it is within 5 minutes of accuracy.

Hailing from the far-off land of Termina, these folk are renowned for wielding relatively advanced technology. Their Clock Town is famously centered around a gigantic, transforming clock which itself is a feat of exceptional engineering.

Terminans infrequently call themselves hylian, as most don't uphold Hylia or any deities in particular reverence. Their stories, faiths, and cultures are unique unto themselves. Kafei, Anju, and the Happy Mask Salesman are Terminans.


Ability Score Increase. Choose two different ability scores, and increase them both by 1 each.
Skilled. You are proficient in any two skills of your choice. If you prefer, you can replace either of these with proficiency in any tool or any language.
Hard Work. You have advantage on any ability check you make for a downtime activity.
Urban Tact. While in an urban environment, you can reroll an ability check you fail if the check uses Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

The most emblematic of hylians, urbanites typically hail from larger capitals like Hyrule Castle Town or Lynna City. They are renowned for their close connection to the gods, especially Hylia, as well as their strong economy and relatively industrious technology. Urban hylians tend to value community and their connections to others. There are more hylians of this heritage than any other.

The material on this page is based on content found throughout the Legend of Zelda series, which is copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.