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== Pack Tactician ==
== Pack Tactician ==
At 6th level, you learn to use flanking maneuvers to get the drop on your enemies.  You can expend 1 [[Opportunist#Stamina Gauge|stamina point]] to gain [[advantage]] on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies (including your companion) is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't [[incapacitated]].
At 6th level, you learn to use pack maneuvers to get the drop on your enemies.  You can use your sneakstrike on a creature if it is within 5 feet of your creature companion, and your companion isn't [[incapacitated]].

Revision as of 21:38, 20 May 2020

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Beastmaster is one of several possible subclasses you can undertake as an opportunist.

Your subclass enacts features at 3rd level and every three levels thereafter: 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th. See Opportunist#Beastmaster for an integrated list that combines assassin features with those of the base opportunist class.

Creature Companion

Fast Campaign Alternative
The creature companion feature works best when the campaign will have several days of downtime at every level, but not all campaigns feature ample downtime. With your DM's approval, you can gain or replace a creature companion over a long rest instead of a downtime day, but replacing a companion in this way requires you to expend 500 rupees worth of resources.

At 3rd level, you gain a powerful bond with a beast companion.

Etc. Although your companion is loyal and obedient to you, it is controlled by the DM in any circumstance you are not using your command companion feature to give direct orders. You are nonetheless always fully aware of your companion's statistics, including how many heart points it has remaining.

In combat, your companion acts on your turn, and always shares its initiative with you. If you do not use your command companion feature to give it direct orders to take during your turn, it moves and acts at the end of your turn.

Your companion has maximum heart points equal to 5 + its Constitution modifier for each level you have in opportunist. When you gain this feature at 3rd level for example, if your companion has 14 Constitution then it would have 21 heart points.

Your companion's proficiency bonus is initially +2, but increases to +3 when you reach 5th level in opportunist, +4 at 9th level, +5 at 13th level, and +6 at 17th level.

Command Companion

You can use your bonus action to issue a vocal order to your companion, instructing it precisely where to move and how to use its action and reaction until the start of your next turn. It can understand this order even if it does not share a language with you, but cannot follow orders if you are unable to speak or otherwise communicate to your companion in a way it can detect. On a turn you use this action, you can essentially control your companion completely until the start of your next turn, and it will even obey orders which put itself in the most dire danger.

If at the end of your turn you do not use this bonus action, your companion will use all of its movement to move to be adjacent to you, Dashing if necessary. If unable to reach you, it will move to the nearest space it can. If unable to locate you, it will move to safety. If its action is otherwise unused, it then will use its action to Dodge. It will not use its reaction.

Rest and Recovery

Your companion does not have its own Heart Container, but whenever you complete a short rest with your companion, it also gains the benefits of a short rest. If you expend Heart Container to recover heart points during a rest, your companion regains an amount equal to 5 + its Constitution modifier, or the amount you regained, whichever is higher.

Your companion gains the benefits of a long rest as normal.

Whenever you regain heart points from a spell or other magic effect, you can redirect some or all of that healing to your companion (no action required). If you are healed to full heart points, any excess heart points are restored to your companion automatically.

Replacing a Lost Companion

Pack Tactician

At 6th level, you learn to use pack maneuvers to get the drop on your enemies. You can use your sneakstrike on a creature if it is within 5 feet of your creature companion, and your companion isn't incapacitated.



