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{{Summary|This prideful avian race comes in diverse varieties.  Most rito are capable of winged flight.}}{{RaceText}}{{RacesofLight}}
{{Summary|This prideful avian race comes in diverse varieties.  Most rito are capable of winged flight.}}{{RaceText}}
==Player-character details==
==Player-character details==

Revision as of 03:55, 23 April 2020

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This page or section is incomplete, and will eventually be expanded with more information. While mechanically complete, the current flavor and description are unsatisfactory.

Player-character details

Alignment. Rito are inherently dutiful, loyal, and stick to their convictions. They tend towards law.
Age. A rito reaches adulthood in its teens, and rarely lives to see a century.
Diet. As a Medium humanoid, each day you require at least 1 pound of food and 1 gallon of water to avoid exhaustion.
Names. A rito's name often ends in "-li," and is frequently comprised of three syllables. Male examples include Gesane, Guy, Harth, Huck, Illari, Kaneli, Kass, Kogoli, Koboli, Komali, Mazli, Nekk, Quill, Revali, Teba, and Verla. Female examples include Amali, Bedoli, Cecili, Cree, Frita, Genli, Kaneli, Kheeel, Kotts, Laissa, Medli, Misa, Molli, Namali, Notts, Saki.

Random Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
5′ 2" +2d12 60 lb. × (1d4)

Character traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores each increase by 1.
Size. An adult rito has a height of about 5 to 7 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
Mountain Born. Native to high peaks, rito are naturally acclimated to high altitudes. You can endure such climates without difficulty.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Hylian.
Subrace. Choose one subrace from coastal, highland, or fokka.


Unlike coastal rito, highland rito are completely covered in feathers of a uniform color. The colors of these feathers vary greatly from one highland rito to another, and can include hues as diverse as blue, green, pink, brown, white, and more, but these colors tend to become more saturated as the rito ages. A highland rito is born with wings that naturally form, and do not receive them from an external source. This variety of rito usually can only become a flightless fokka either by a birth defect or debilitating injury.

Labored Flight. As an action, you gain a flying speed of 50 feet until the start of your next turn. If you start a turn while airborne, you must immediately use this action or fall.
Cold Resistance. Covered in warm plumage and native to frosty peaks, you have adapted resistance to cold damage.
Language. You can speak, read, and write one more language from Anook, Goro, and Zoran.


Coastal rito are visually distinguished by the color of their feathers, which is usually a pale brown, but can be a pure white in females. Unlike highland rito, they have separate "hair" on their scalps, which is usually of a brown or white color. A coastal rito is born with feathers and beak, but does not inherently grow wings. This variety of rito gains wings as a coming-of-age ritual performed in its early teens, which requires the direct magical blessing of either Valoo or another powerful supernatural being.

Labored Flight. As an action, you gain a flying speed of 50 feet until the start of your next turn. If you start a turn while airborne, you must immediately use this action or fall.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Navigation. Coastal rito are unusually skilled at maintaining direction and creating mental maps. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to navigate or avoid becoming lost.
Language. You can speak, read, and write one more language of your choice from Deku, Subrosian, or Zoran.


Flightless rito, or "fokka," usually result from coastal rito who do not complete their coming-of-age ritual, but still age into adulthood. In some coastal rito tribes, refusing to complete this ritual is seen as sacrilegious. Regardless of why they are flightless, fokka are seen as inferior among other rito, and their inability to fly is considered shameful. Due to this disgrace, fokka have a tendency towards hate or other negative emotions, and are more prone towards evil than most rito. Despite their inability to fly, fokka retain the lightweight bodies of creatures adapted for flight. This, combined with increased leg strength, enables fokka to perform incredibly high jumps compared to most terrestrial humanoids. They are naturally faster on their feet, and have a particularly easy time adapting to lighter forms of armor.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Fleet of Foot. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
Cantrip. You know one cantrip from power beam, produce flame, and resistance. Charisma is your casting ability for this spell.
High Leap. Both your long jump and your high jump cover a number of feet equal to your Strength score if you move at least 10 feet immediately before the jump. As normal, a standing jump covers only half this distance.
Honed Skills. You have proficiency in your choice of one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception, or Survival.
Language. You can speak, read, and write one more language of your choice from Blin, Gerudo and Zoran.

Lineage feats

The following feats are exclusive to members of this lineage.

Name Effects
Free Bird Through training and perhaps even physical transformation, you have learned to fly effortlessly. It is easy for you to rapidly switch between flapping your wings and using your hands even while maintaining flight. This gives you the following benefits:
  • You gain a fly speed of 60 feet. If you have the Labored Flight trait, this feat effectively replaces that trait.
  • If your heritage is coastal or highland, increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1. This cannot increase your ability score above its maximum.

The material on this page is based primarily on content found in Adventure of Link, The Wind Waker, and Breath of the Wild, which are all copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.