Polyglot (feat)

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Player's Guide

Character Creation
the next level
champ, opportunist, researcher, sage, scion
gerudo, goron, hylian, rito, zora
anouki, deku, korok, twili, zonai
armor, weapons, gear, tools, goods, services

System Reference

Hyrulean Guidelines
Using Ability Scores
str, dex, con, int, wis, cha
Time & Movement
Dungeon Mastering
encounters, progression, treasure, variant rules


Fighting Styles
spell list, spell gallery
Creature Overview
monsters, NPCs, other creatures
Magic Item Overview
item list, item gallery

As a studied linguist, you have mastered many tongues and scripts. Gain any three of the following benefits:
  • Speak, read, and write 4 more languages of your choice. You can choose this benefit multiple times.
  • Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1. This cannot increase your ability score above its maximum, which is initially 20.
  • Gain proficiency with calligrapher's supplies and the forgery kit.
  • As a downtime activity, you can expertly create a written encrypting cipher for any written language you know. No one can decipher a cipher you've created this way without knowledge you know have, a key you provide, or magic.
  • You can spend an hour translating up to one page of any language you don't know into a language you do know. This can translate rarely-known languages like Mudoran and Sky Writing but cannot translate secret languages. The hour requires your full focus and a separate page to write down the translation.
  • After listening to someone speak a language you know for at least 10 seconds, you can tell if the language is native to the speaker or one they learned after maturing. You can also tell if someone is able to speak the language only because of a spell or magic effect.