Horsehead (species)

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Horsehead creatures

Creature Challenge Summary
%PAGE% 6 This horse-headed warrior wields great strength, able to send warriors flying with a single strike of its hammer.
%PAGE% 3 This giant, horse-headed warrior has been twisted by the evil magic of those who revere Ganon. His immense strength now works for evil.
%PAGE% 1 Although not as formidable as most horseheads, this equine warrior's sheer strength is enough to crush almost any warrior that would oppose it.

Character details

Age. Horseheads reach maturity around 15 years, and rarely live beyond 50 years.
Alignment. Created or polymorphed by mind-twisting magic, horseheads are almost universally lawful evil. Rare is one who can break this curse enough to regain any other alignment.
Diet. As a Large giant, each day you require 4 pounds of food and 4 gallons of water to avoid exhaustion.

Character traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 2 each.
Size. Horseheads are usually 8 to 10 feet tall. Your size is Large. You function a little differently than a Medium or Small creature would. See Large player-characters.
Giant. Horseheads have long lost their humanity. Your creature type is giant, not humanoid. You are unaffected by game effects which only affect humanoids.
Large Target. Your Armor Class decreases by 1.
Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Speed. You have a base walking speed of 40 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, and speak both Blin and Hylian.

The material on this page is based primarily on content found in Adventure of Link, which is copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.