Great Life Tree (spell)

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11-point conjuration
Casting time:  1 action
Range:  60 feet
Components:  V, S
Duration:  1 minute

In an unoccupied 10-foot square in range, you conjure a Gargantuan tree of any height of your choosing up to 60 feet. This tree has AC 16, 100 heart points, immunity to psychic damage, and vulnerability to fire and slashing damage. Its heart points cannot be restored by magic. If the tree is at least 10 feet tall, its trunk is thick enough to provide total cover for a Medium or smaller creature, three-quarters cover for Large creature, and half cover for a Huge creature. The tree's leaves glow with an emerald-like luminescence that spreads bright light to a radius of 60 feet, and bright light for another 60 feet.
     If a creature starts its turn within the tree's light, or enters it on its turn, you may reduce the tree's remaining hit points by 10 (no action required). Doing so causes either effect on the creature (your choice) if it is not a neither construct nor undead:
  • The target regains a number of hit points equal to 2d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. It is absolved of the blinded, frightened, and poisoned conditions—and for the duration it ignores difficult terrain within the tree's light. (If you use the tree's entire heart points to heal one creature over 1 minute, that creature regains heart points equal to 20d6 + ten times your spellcasting ability modifier.)
  • The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d6 radiant damage and for the duration treats movement within the light as difficult terrain.
Once the tree runs out of heart points, it withers away into nothingness, and the spell ends. If the spell ends while the tree has heart points remaining, the tree withers immediately if it cannot take root on the ground that holds it; otherwise, it becomes a natural tree which lives or dies at a natural pace according to its environment.
8th-level conjuration
Casting time:  1 action
Range:  60 feet
Components:  V, S
Duration:  1 minute

In an unoccupied 10-foot square in range, you conjure a Gargantuan tree of any height of your choosing up to 60 feet. This tree has AC 16, 100 heart points, immunity to psychic damage, and vulnerability to fire and slashing damage. Its heart points cannot be restored by magic. If the tree is at least 10 feet tall, its trunk is thick enough to provide total cover for a Medium or smaller creature, three-quarters cover for Large creature, and half cover for a Huge creature. The tree's leaves glow with an emerald-like luminescence that spreads bright light to a radius of 60 feet, and bright light for another 60 feet.
     If a creature starts its turn within the tree's light, or enters it on its turn, you may reduce the tree's remaining hit points by 10 (no action required). Doing so causes either effect on the creature (your choice) if it is neither construct nor undead:
  • The target regains a number of hit points equal to 2d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. It is absolved of the blinded, frightened, and poisoned conditions—and for the duration it ignores difficult terrain within the tree's light. (If you use the tree's entire heart points to heal one creature over 1 minute, that creature regains heart points equal to 20d6 + ten times your spellcasting ability modifier.)
  • The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d6 radiant damage and for the duration treats movement within the light as difficult terrain.
Once the tree runs out of heart points, it withers away into nothingness, and the spell ends. If the spell ends while the tree has heart points remaining, the tree withers immediately if it cannot take root on the ground that holds it; otherwise, it becomes a natural tree which lives or dies at a natural pace according to its environment.